I miss playing my Atari games. They were simple, fun, exciting and frustrating all at the same time. I don't know how many hours I spent playing Pac-Man as a child, determined to gobble up all the pellets and avoid those annoying ghosts, monsters, or whatever the heck those things were that used to chase my guy around the path.
And don't even get me started on Space Invaders -- I spent countless hours firing off desperate shots to blast the bad guys into oblivion, and once I got annihilated, I'd restart the game resolving that THIS time I'd make it further. My other favorite cartridges were Circus Atari, Bowling, and Donkey Kong, though I was terrible at Donkey Kong.
I know the graphics and special effects of Atari games pale in comparison to today's high tech video games, and that you can even play some of these old favorites in various updated ways, but to me there's nothing like an actual Atari system. I wish I'd kept my Atari game console and cartridges rather than giving the whole set to my grandmother years ago to sell at a flea market after I got hooked on Nintendo and Super Mario. I didn't realize how much I'd miss it. They don't make Atari sets anymore, but they will always be a big part of my childhood. I hope the person who was smart enough to grab mine is still enjoying it.
Stacy Juba is the author of the mystery novels Twenty-Five Years Ago Today and Sink or Swim (Mainly Murder Press), as well as the patriotic children’s picture book The Flag Keeper and the children’s e-book Victoria Rose and the Big Bad Noise. Her young adult paranormal thriller Dark Before Dawn will be released by Mainly Murder Press in January 2012. Her young adult hockey novels Face-Off and Offsides will be released in 2011 and 2012. You can read more about her books on her web site http://stacyjuba.com/blog/ and blog http://stacyjuba.com/blog/blog/ .
I loved Space Invaders! Atari games were such a simple concept but they held me captivated. I also loved Mario Brothers on Nintendo. Then the games started getting far too involved. Just the control pads for these new systems make me dizzy with all the buttons!
ReplyDeleteKeep on writing, Stacy. I'm looking forward to your next book!
Thanks for coming by, Darcia, and to Joy for hosting me. Things that aren't there anymore is a great theme for a blog. I agree, the games today don't really reel me in. I am a whiz, though, at a shooting game on Wii, probably because it's like that old game Duck Hunt!
ReplyDeleteI used to love Atari, too! I think we still have the old Atari at my parents' house. I used to love Frogger, Pac Man, Adventure, Dig Dug, Jungle Hunt, and the one where you had to race a car, can't remember the name. I spent many hours playing those games. Nowadays, the only similar types of games I play are the Facebook ones and Nintendo DS.